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Kids and Braces

Set Them Up for a Healthy, Beautiful Smile

As a parent, it’s natural to be concerned about your child’s teeth: if and when they’ll need orthodontic treatment, and how early treatment might affect them later on. Children as young as age seven should visit an orthodontist, who can determine whether the child will need orthodontics in the future, and when to start phase one treatment.

Phase One Orthodontic Treatment

Laying the Groundwork for Healthy, Beautifully Aligned Smiles

Phase one orthodontic treatment, frequently called early treatment, generally starts when the patient is eight or nine years old, and aims to fix improper jaw growth and alleviate specific bite issues, such as crossbites or underbites. This early orthodontic care ensures your child’s mouth has adequate space for their permanent teeth to erupt, and often reduces the need for tooth extraction and more extreme orthodontic treatment down the road. 

Phase-Two Orthodontic Treatment

Enhancing Oral Health and Appearance

The second phase begins approximately two to three years after phase one. In phase-two, we determine the ideal position of each tooth to create perfect harmony. This phase generally lasts 24 months, and most patients wear full braces during this time. Once the braces are removed, we provide retainers to keep the teeth in the proper position for life.

Wondering If Your Child Needs Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Here are some signals they might benefit from seeing an orthodontist sooner rather than later.

  • They lose their baby teeth too early or too late. (The average child begins losing teeth at age five, and all permanent teeth should erupt by age 13.)
  • They suck their thumb after age five.
  • They’re seven or eight and their front teeth are overcrowded.
  • They have trouble chewing or biting into food. 
  • They have problems speaking or properly pronouncing certain words.
  • They breathe through their mouth instead of their nose.
  • Their upper and lower teeth jut out away from each other.
  • Their teeth don’t fit together properly or at all.
  • Their jaw moves out of place when they open or shut their mouth.

Interested in Early Treatment? Get In Touch!

Is your child seven to eight years old and experiencing one or more of these signs — or has your dentist recommended they see an orthodontist? We’ll examine your child’s tooth movement and discuss options to improve and enhance their smile.

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