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Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted

Current and former patients encouraged to apply for $1,000 scholarship

Associated Orthodontists is excited to announce that applications for its 2023 scholarship program are now being accepted. Five winners will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship for application directly to tuition at a college, university, vocational training or technical school. The scholarship is open to all current and former patients who are graduating high school seniors, received full braces at Associated Orthodontists and have a GPA of at least 3.0.

Scholarship applications will be accepted through March 1, 2023, and winners will be notified and announced in April, 2023. All submissions will be reviewed by Associated Orthodontists and scholarship recipients will be chosen based on the submitted essay, academic achievements, and participation in school and community activities.

To apply, please stop by any Associated Orthodontists location for an application, download the application at on the Contests & Rewards page or CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD rules & APPLICATION. In addition to the completed application, participants must submit the following: high school transcripts; letter of recommendation from a teacher, guidance counselor, community leader or coach; 500 word essay on how orthodontic treatment positively impacted the patient’s life; and copy of the acceptance letter to the school of the patient’s choice.

Associated Orthodontists has six convenient locations in Joliet, Plainfield, Morris, New Lenox, Frankfort and Bourbonnais. Please visit to find a location near you. If you have questions about the scholarship program, please contact Julie Gardner at

About Associated Orthodontists

Since 1969, Associated Orthodontists has been providing patients with care that is focused on wellness, satisfaction and perfection. With cutting-edge treatments and extraordinary outcomes, its team of highly trained orthodontists are committed to creating a customized, stress-free and rewarding experience for patients and families. The partners at Associated Orthodontists include the most experienced and renowned orthodontists in the area, committed to improving smiles and making a positive impact in the communities they serve. For more information on Associated Orthodontists, including services and locations, please visit

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