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Let's Talk Turkey — and Your Braces

With Thanksgiving and the holidays just around the corner, the temptation to indulge on all those yummy sticky, crunchy and chewy treats is waiting for everyone in orthodontic treatment. As we get ready to celebrate, make sure you follow these tips so your braces survive the holidays.

Don’t Get Nutty

It may be tempting to grab and handful, but nuts are certain destruction for wires and brackets. Also, be careful when sinking you teeth into a chunk of fudge, cookies or a slice of pie  . . .  they’re known to hide out in these treats.

Stay Away From Chewy, Crunchy & Sticky

Foods like caramels, candy canes, popcorn and chips are holiday party must haves, unless you have an orthodontic appliance. If you need to feed your sweet tooth, make sure you choose brace-friendly treats like soft, plain chocolates, peanut butter cups and other melt-in-your-mouth varieties. And, like we mentioned above, make sure their not hidden in side dishes or desserts.

‍Drink Plenty of Water

Soft drinks, hot cocoa and holiday treats are yummy, but their contents can damage teeth. Enjoy them in moderation and rinse with water after drinking. Water will help keep the saliva flowing, keep you hydrated and wash away plaque, sugar and food particles.

‍Be Prepared

Pack dental floss, a toothbrush, toothpaste, wax if you are traveling for the holidays and be sure to brush 4 times each day — breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. Keeping up on your oral hygiene will help keep your teeth and braces sparkling.

‍Have Happy Holidays with These

Don’t worry — there are plenty of delicious treats you can enjoy this holiday without worrying about your brackets!

- Pudding and Jell-O
- Pumpkin pie
- Soft chocolates
- Dinner rolls
- Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing
- Cranberry sauce or sliced fruit

The holidays are a great time to start orthodontic treatment, with easier scheduling and transition period during holiday break!

Associated Orthodontists offers complimentary in-office consultations and NEW Virtual Consultations for all locations. Our friendly Treatment Coordinators will verify your insurance and create a customized interest-free payment plan. To schedule your complimentary consultation, or to find the Associated Orthodontist location near you, please visit

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