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Keep the Holidays Brace Friendly

Can you believe it?

The holidays are just around the corner!

And . . . that means we're getting ready to indulge on delicious food, delectable treats and scrumptious drinks. For those with braces or orthodontic appliances, navigating around the holiday buffets and cookie trays can be a little tricky. So, as we get ready to celebrate, we have some tips to help make sure you can still enjoy all of these treats, while keeping your celebrations brace friendly.

Say NO to Crunchy, Chewy or Gooey

Favorites like caramels, candy canes, popcorn and chips are a no-no.

TRY THIS: If you want to feed your sweet tooth, make sure you opt for brace-friendly treats like soft, plain chocolates, marshmallows and other melt-in-your-mouth varieties.

Don’t Go NUTS

These tasty treats are definitely on the Naughty List, as they are certain destruction for brackets and wires. Always double check before biting into cookies, a piece of pie or a chunk of fudge . . .  as nuts are known to hide out in these treats.

TRY THIS: A good option is creamy peanut butter or another type of nut butter, peanut butter cups or soft peanut butter cookies.

Drink Plenty of H20

Soft drinks and hot cocoa taste yummy, but their contents can damage teeth. Enjoy them in moderation and rinse with water after drinking. Water will help keep the saliva flowing, keep you hydrated and wash away plaque, sugar and food particles.

Brush, Brush, Brush & Brush

4 times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime) is the magic number for those with braces — especially after feasting on holiday food. If you can't brush right away after eating dinner or a treat, swish vigorously with some water and brush as soon as you can. Also, like we mentioned above, drinking water will help wash away sugar and food particles.

Pack a Travel Kit

Whether you're traveling far, or just heading to a party at a friends house, having an orthodontic travel kit is a great idea! Pack a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and wax. Keeping up on your oral hygiene will help keep your teeth and braces sparkling.

Just in CASE you don't have braces!

If you're heading into the holidays with your braces off, or if you are currently being treated with Invisalign®, don't forget your case! Wrapping your retainer in a napkin, or placing these nearly invisible appliances on the side of your plate, usually means digging through the garbage looking for them, or forking out extra money for new ones.

TRY THIS: Along with your travel kit, always pack a case for your retainers or Invisalign® trays. The case will keep them safe, plus save you time and money in the long run.

Have Happy (and Delicious) Holidays with These

Don’t worry . . . there are plenty of delicious treats you can enjoy without worrying about your wires and brackets! Plus, you can always pull the "I have braces" card to get second helpings!

  • Pudding and Jell-O
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Soft chocolates
  • Peanut butter cups
  • Ice Cream
  • Dinner rolls
  • Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy and stuffing
  • Cranberry sauce or sliced fruit
  • Egg nog
  • Hot chocolate
  • Marshmallows
  • Warm apple cider

The holidays are actually a great time to start orthodontic treatment, with easier scheduling and a transition period during holiday break!

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