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Fluoride Mouthwash

Effective March 1, 2022, the doctors of Associated Orthodontists will no longer prescribe Prevident® toothpaste for patient use in their daily oral care routine.Patients that still have a supply of Prevident® can continue to use the product! We have decided to discontinue the use as a convenience for patients/parents (getting prescription and refills) and the recent addition of excellent over-the-counter products mentioned below.PATIENT DAILY ORAL CARE ROUTINE

  • Brush 4 times each day — after each meal and before bed with an ADA approved fluoride toothpaste.
  • Use an over-the-counter Fluoride Mouthwash made specifically for braces, or another fluoride-based mouthwash.
  • Fluoride Mouthwash products such as Colgate® Ortho Defense, Crest® Braces Care or Act® Braces Care can be purchased at retail stores or online.
  • This mouthwash should be used at least once each day at bedtime, or per manufacturer’s directions.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE CARE OF YOUR BRACES, VISIT OUR "GETTING TO KNOW YOUR BRACES" INFO SHEET BY CLICKING HERE!If you have any questions, please email or speak with our clinical staff at your next visit.

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