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Holiday Check List for Braces


That means family gatherings, trips and NO SCHOOL! With all this fun and excitement, sometimes our normal schedules can get turned around — making it a little easier to forget our oral health. Add to this sugary holiday treats, parties with tempting goodies and outside winter activities, the holidays can also be hard on our smile.Help keep your braces intact and your smile on track by using our Holiday Check List:

  • Make a travel set: Grab a travel size toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, wax and rubber bands to keep handy for parties and trips.  Need some extras?  Contact your local AO office and we’ll be glad to give you more wax and rubber bands!
  • 4 is the magic number: Those wearing braces should brush their teeth FOUR times each day — breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. ESPECIALLY after snacking on Christmas cookies.
  • Water is best: Soft drinks and hot cocoa taste yummy, but their contents can damage teeth. Enjoy them in moderation and rinse with water after drinking to wash away the sugar and acid.
  • Avoid the Ice: It’s easy to chew on, but it’s not brace-friendly. Use ice to chill drinks . . . not as something to eat.
  • Brace-friendly treats: Chewy desserts or nut-filled candies can lead to certain destruction for braces, not to mention increasing the risk for tooth decay and yanked out fillings. Opt for soft treats like plain chocolates, peanut butter cups and other melt-in-your-mouth varieties.
  • Don’t use your teeth like tools: Teeth really aren’t the best option for cutting tape, pulling off tags or opening packages. A loose bracket or broken wire can be avoided by grabbing the right tools for the job.
  • Orthodontic emergencies: General soreness, loose brackets and poking wires can befrustrating and irritating, but rarely require an emergency visit. Until an appointment can be made during normal business hours, you can find temporary solutions to common issues by clicking the following links:
  • Life With Braces
  • Treatment Information Sheets

The holidays can be a great time to start orthodontic treatment, with easier scheduling and a transition period during holiday break!Associated Orthodontists offers complimentary orthodontic consultations and observation appointments at all locations. Our friendly Treatment Coordinators will verify your insurance and create a customized interest-free payment plan. To schedule your complimentary consultation, or to find the Associated Orthodontist location near you, please visit

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